Monday, March 16, 2009


Its in all of us. The darkest part of our minds, enclosed.. sealed in every way possible. Its just a blurry image, or a vivid picture... A real-time footage.. or the glance of a passerby.. Its in all of us... We have it.... And there's no telling what It will do to us.

Secrets are... well... complicated. We keep them from the outside world.. Because we fear. We are afraid that because people know something else about what they already know about us.. We wont be the same way again. We won't be wanted. We'll be an outcast. And then comes the guilt... Are we being honest to each other? Keeping is secret is no different from telling a lie. We are hiding the truth, twisting the facts, conjuring unpleasant feelings within that will sooner or later drive us insane.

The truth about secrets is that... They are yours.. and solely yours. There is no responsibility that, in any way possible, we OUGHT to tell people just because we feel like 'If I'm the only one to know, am I being selfish?' or 'If I dun let ppl know, no matter how bad it is... I'm not being honest to myself'.

Its a secret that I sing in the bathroom. Does anyone needs to know that? Unless my bathroom is made out of tissue paper and the neighbours think I suck, then by all means its my bad...

But its a secret worth telling... that your best friend's soul mate is sleeping with another. Because he/she needs to know. And not telling him/her will put her in a bad state.**terms and conditions apply, assuming that whoever is about to hear it suffers from serious mental illness, is emotionally unstable, or will just kill him/herself.. then... please judge your options properly.... =.=''

A secret..

Is yours.

That's a fact.

No one can take that away from you, no matter how the world might change. Its my secret, and I was there, I experienced it, thus it is on my judgement that shud allow or reject anyone from knowing the truth. No one can come up to you and demand that you are keeping something from them.. that they have the right to know... unless of course.. It is a matter of life and death... it relates to people .. it is beneficial... it will save someone from utter humiliation... or you just want them to be a part of you secret... other than that... there's no pressure in having to let anyone know.

A secret will remain a secret.. as long as you want it to.

Its your to keep. Yours alone.

So if you have a secret, and you think it's worth it.. share it.. because you will feel all the better.

But you you have a secret sooo deep it will change the view of whoever hears about it 360 degrees... be brave. If you have to... But if you know... and its a fact.. that reality is as cruel as a leopard's lust and hunger upon its prey.. then you be the better man.

Sometimes its better to keep some secrets locked within you, because it will do more harm than right.

Its not wrong to keep a secret.

Its wrong to have a secret that has something to do with whoever you are hiding it from... and you know that by not telling... you are doing harm to that person.

That's a secret.

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