Sunday, March 22, 2009


Seriously!! Having them for days now. Its like migrane expect this has a higher intensity level. =.=''

The Genting trip has been bugging me for the past few days. I can't sleep, I haven't had a decent meal, and my credits running out.

Been running around palces, doing 10 people's job all at once.

And no one's there to help.

Just great..... Ouch! There it goes again!

I better get some sleep. Need to do confirmations tomorrow.

And o yes.... the new price is RM99 (RM5 is fer emergencies.. I'll refund you the cash after the trip, cuz I dont want to keep raising it over and over if soething pops up.)

PS: If you're reading this do me a favour. Do confirm your attendance asap. Payment can be made by cash on the day of the trip (I dun suggest this... I won't have enuff to pay the Genting's office), or you can bank it into my acc. Sms me n I'll short mess it to ya. I forgot the number... =.='' Check in for more details on the trip. I'll be doing the final updates tomorrow.

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