Sunday, October 25, 2009

Take Charge

Another day, another activity. Two things. 1st, a disasterous news that breaks the hearts of millions around the world. Today, at approximately 12.06am, standard Malaysian Time, Liverpool sealed a 2 - 0 victory over MU. =_=''




ok enuf emoing.

The second part was the talk I attended today: Take Responsibilty, Take Charge, by Mr. Rizal. The dude was hilarous to begin with, and throughout the entire ordeal I didn't blink, snooze or turned my atention away from him. He was FREAKING good! He said something that I could'nt really forget that easily - opportunity comes by in a flash, if your not quick enuff to change, then people who change faster than u do, will take those opportunities away from u.

And... something that was also really good: There is NO SUCH THING AS LUCK. Its all choice. You choose to be there at that moment, at that time, with your head up in the sky, and BAM! Ligthning bolt, fried noob (might even occur twice... IF you choose it to be). And for some reason, he was right. Someone in da class asked something about being born with bad genes. Rizal answered him with this: 'Once upon a time, you were this little sperm, and you won the race. Now, why did you choose to win?' The whole class burst out laughing.

And of course, there was the story of the bangau and the fish.

"bangau oh bangau, kenapa engkau kurus?
macam-mana aku tak kurus,

ikan tak mahu timbul - ikan tak mahu timbul

ikan oh ikan,
kenapa engkau tak timbul?
macam-mana aku nak timbul,

rumput panjang sangat - rumput panjang sangat

rumput oh rumput,
kenapa engkau panjang?
macam-mana aku tak panjang,

kerbau tak makan aku - kerbau tak makan aku

kerbau oh kerbau,
kenapa tak makan rumput?
macam-mana aku nak makan,
perut aku sakit - perut aku sakit

perut oh perut, kenapa engkau sakit?
macam-mana aku tak sakit,
makan nasi mentah - makan nasi mentah

nasi oh nasi,
kenapa engkau mentah?
macam-mana aku tak mentah,

api tak mahu menyala - api tak mahu menyala

api oh api,
kenapa engkau tak mahu menyala?
macam-mana aku nak menyala,

kayu api basah - kayu api basah

kayu oh kayu,
kenapa engkau basah?
macam-mana aku tak basah,

hujan timpa aku - hujan timpa aku

hujan oh hujan,
kenapa timpa kayu?
macam-mana aku tak timpa,
katak panggil aku - katak panggil aku

katak oh katak,
kenapa panggil hujan?
macam-mana aku tak panggil,

ular nak makan aku - ular nak makan aku

ular oh ular,
kenapa nak makan katak?
macam-mana aku tak makan,
memang makanan aku - memang makanan aku!!!
betul juga tu ye…
memang makanan engkau - memang makanan engkau!!!"

The moral of the story? Stop bangau-ing, cuz there ain't an excuse for anything you do, but yourself. You are what you choose to be, because every decision that you make comes from you and you alone.

Ok. Going back to emoing cuz Mu lost. Bye~

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