Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mis-*fill in da blank*

Mistakes. Misunderstandings. Misdoings.

Its all these mis-things that bring someone down, no matter how high they are.

Important things is that u realise that ur at fault, and u do sumthing about it. Otherwise, ur no different from a freakin bastard.

First time's a slip, Twice shy, Three times and it becomes intentional.

Too much, and ur a blardy masochist.

Misleads. Misjudgement. Miscommunications.

It's always there. Two voices that dun bounce back create turbulence, and turbulence create high energy waves, and concentration of waves creates storms. Conflicts, in methaphorical terms.

And when people start denying, then conflicts cause more conflicts.

And it leads to arguments.

Even as the storm may settle, the damage has already been done.

Misdeeds. Mismatch. Missing.

A heart made of glass. So fragile, yet so beautiful to the naked eye. One small pebble, one small stroke of dust, air, or even the tiniest most punniest debris, can cause it to crack. A small crack will spread, and eventually, more cracks emerge in its place, until there is nothing left to hold, and its broken, shattered.

Piecing it back together, it will never be the same again.

And in its place, an empty space that will no longer fit the actual puzzle once again. Its no longer there.


Created by people, for the people. People who never commit them are lying. People who commit them intentionaly are asses. And people who stand up and admit them...

.....Are winners.

'Written and designed for the sole purpose of reference and to addres the current morality faced by certain known associates - it takes a lifetime to build a glass tower, and mere seconds to watch it crumble. Owning up takes merely a second, but a bucketload of shame. The choice, is ours and ours alone.'

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