You'll noe it when you read this.
Several parts of our lives require different kinds of methods to pass each obstacle set before us. Whether its simple or just just diabolically difficult. One of these methods is a true miracle. Something that is written in every song, book and tale, and its one of the most magical things available to mortals to get us through troubled times. Frens.
And no.. its not a post about what frens are, thier importance and bla-d-bla-d-bla.
Its more about views.
There will come a time when we begin to question. We begin to wonder. We begin to second-thoughtly doubt whether what we have been believing in is true. We begin to second guess where we're going. What we're heading for. And its this kind of times when we begin to see change. Its what drive us mortal forward. To build. To invent. To improvise.
But sadly. Not every improvision is well... suitable. A fren is a fren so long as the people who cherish this frenship continue to do so. Yet. Some seem to have different perceptions about what to expect from one another. And when we do not deliver. Chaos erupts. What could hurt more than a fren's uproar?
A kind of long lasting frenship is rare. Because it takes both sides to agree on the same thing at the right moment, at the right time. At the right place. Kinda impossbile. But it happens. And it has. So its to be cherished. And then there is the mediocre ones that don't seem to last, are on the verge of breaking, but are still bound together by trust, ties or just plain too-much-giving-and-or-taking, which is not really tat beneficial cuz its only a matter of time before the giver becomes too aware of it and the whole thing falls apart. Then.. there's the third kind. Now.. Its quite hard to put it in words. Either its just the use-and-dispose kind, the mutual understanding until everything settles get of my back kind, or the one that I want to focus on, because its happening - The self-distruction kind. aka, oversensitive.
Now, I'm not saying its a crime to pull out of a bad investment when you see fit. Its a good relationship between frens gone sour. Because one party thinks the other has deserted them fer better companions and so does the other. And yes, there are the complications of gender, race, politics, belief and all. But when you mark it all down and think abut it, its the same things we have decided to overlook when we agreed to have this frenship. Its the same package, bad and the good, that we have taken upon ourselves to give-and-take in order to let it run.
Maybe it was a misunderstading. Maybe it was oversensetivity. Maybe its.. I don't know.. a certain miscommunication somewhere here and there. Now its become a rather shaky situation.
And I just want to clear things up.
We have never abandoned you. Let alone feed all those attention, passion and love you have given us to the dogs. You are still a huge part of us. No matter what we might think or say. But the truth hurts, really. It was never us who discarded you. You figured it out the wrong way. But it hurts us because it was you who let it go in the first place. You traded trust for better frens of a higher rank. You traded time and attention for glory and fame. YOU decided to take what ours and turn it into what was yours. And you call it our-fault?
I am not pointing fingers. But its a sad truth. Ask me once and ask me twice. We have not for a second thought of you as an outsider. We covered your back once and we are always willing to do it again and again. But ask yourself if you have covered ours in return? Sure... You brought home better goods. But its not the goods or the riches or the spoils of your new-found adventures that we desire. Its the times we spend together, doing something we know is truly enjoyable together. That's what makes it special. You can join a new horde of Lords and Knights and spare us the silver while you take the gold. But it would have been happier to just sit along the side-walks and sing in merriment even in ragged clothes and torn apparel.
Maybe its our fault. Because we never knew what you wanted or needed. But yet again. You never told us. Maybe we overlooked something. Maybe we crossed the line doing something out-of-our hands. Then tell us what it is. Not wander off into the sunset and put the blame on us and say we didn't care.
Because we do. That's why I'm writing this.
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