Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Dear Solemn Silence

i cAn hAs SiLeNcEz... =)

Silence has been my fren... since the day I met defeat. The day I was dissapointed, I was left alone, shattered, hurt. Silence was there for me. She was the most gentle of places, for me to just fall back, and let her wrap her arms around me. She would embrace me in my darkest of moments, and this has grown on me, so much so that I have been the silent person I am right now.

But silence was selfish. She kept me all to herself. She would not allow me to prove myself, to move forward, to take risks. Because of her, I would always just surrender, just give up. Because I kept quiet, she always allowed someone else to take the limelight, instead of me. Becuz she's worried, because she doesn't want me to get hurt anymore.

Silence.. I'm sorry. 2011 is going to be a big year for me. I'm going to have to let you go from here on out. No.. I'll visit once in a while. I just have to let you go for the time being... actually.... for most of the time. Thanks for everything u've done for me. I won't forget you. SO from now onwards, I won't stay silent no more, k? =)

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